Based in CALIFORNIA, Love Water has been working since 2010 in Nicaragua, Zambia, and Uganda doing whatever it takes, using all proceeds to provide families in need with clean water and equip with tools to succeed in life.
The majority of water sources in developing countries are unimproved. Families and schools typically dig pits which then fill naturally via rain or groundwater. Some areas collect water from nearby rivers.
These methods are all subject to ground and exterior contamination. Many of these sources are shared with animals from the local area, and many are also used for bathing. People from many communities walk miles just to fetch water each day. This consumes a major part of peoples’ lives in water poor areas. In fact, women spend over 200 million man-hours EVERY DAY collecting water.
Nearly 3.4 million people die each year from preventablewaterborne illnesses. That’s almost the population of Los Angeles, CA dies every year.
This number can directly be attributed to the lack of filtration of contaminated water and lack of sanitation and hygiene training. The majority of these illnesses are caused by fecal contamination. Bios and Filters, Sawyer Filters and other methods can filter out over 99% of all contaminates. Filters allow us to access communities out of reach of machinery or provide a community an option where a well is not an option.